Friday, August 24, 2007


A year ago, i was assigned to Singapore for set up new project.

Friend of mine in office, showed me a point and shoot, panoramic 135 camera.
Just simple point and shoot that after pressed the shutter I just turn the dial for film advance.

unknown to me the film advance sometimes jammed, gave the double images to celluloid

I managed to walk around on Orchard, Little India and Chinatown

So this was Singapore To me


Anonymous said...

BWnya bagus......boleh minta ajarin kamar gelap ndak om?

Unknown said...

wah aku juga belajar kok

Karolus Naga said...

sing terakhir keren banget ...
fave aku karo kui ...

Capt. Edward S. Isaacs said...

Great photographs.

Anonymous said...

Great shots. Very interesting!

fameworx said...

keren tic